2009年1月12日 星期一


中 醫 治 病 的 原 理 和 特 色


Dr. Robert Yin

中醫治病的原理建立在陰陽五行學說,將陰陽五行配五臟六胕生理機能和病理狀況,有一套完整的理論系統和數理基礎以及哲學思維;而中醫治病有二個基本特色:一、是整體觀念,二、是辨証論治。整體觀念 通過對大量的臨床觀察經驗進行總結,從宏觀上把握住人體生命活動規律及疾病的產生、診斷和治療的規律;治療以整體恢復健康為依歸。辨證論治 它是中醫學診斷和治療的指導思想;中醫的「證」是人體異常的機能狀態,它表現在兩個方面,一是整體機能失去平衡,體現為自律神經系統、內分泌系統、免疫系統功能失調;二是局部相對於整體的機能異常體現,為局部結構機能障礙、血流分佈異常。中醫在辨證的基礎上,同病異治,異病同治,用藥物或針灸或其他各種療法,使人體的機能狀態恢復正常。

Chinese Medicine is a complete、comprehensive medical system. Its pathology is based on the Yin-Yang and Five Elements theories、which describe all physiological function and pathology of the human body. Chinese Medicine has two unique special features in the treatment of ailments.
1. Holistic concept
Chinese Medicine not only cures disease but also looks after the whole body’s health. Therefore、Chinese Medicine Doctor examines patients not only through the local symptoms of the problem but also through the whole body’s situation.
2. Treatment through 「Identification of Patterns」
Chinese Medicine uses Acupuncture or herbal formula or other therapies to treat patients according to the Identification of Patterns (also called Differential Diagnosis). This specific thought has guided diagnosis and treatment for 5,000 years. The 「Patterns」 is an overall diagnosis from various abnormal symptoms of the body which are manifest in local parts of the body or in the whole body.